The first 165 cards of the new Pokemon 151 Canada card set have been revealed. These are mainly secret rares, but all are now available to buy.

Each player has a deck that they don’t show to other players, and cards go into that deck when they are taken out of play, unless the card says otherwise.
Charizard, the fiery dragon that wants to fly, is one of the most popular Pokemon in the entire franchise. Its draconic appearance may be inspired by stereotypical European dragons, which are heavily associated with fire in Western folklore; its name is also a play on words, combining char (fire) and lizard or -don (the common suffix used in dinosaur names for reptiles).
As a flying-type Pokemon, Charizard has the ability to learn Fly. This move allows it to travel across the surface of a body of water, as long as its Trainer is nearby to command it. Charizard is capable of Gigantamaxing, a powerful transformation that allows it to fly even higher than the skyline.
Aside from its ability to learn Fly, the Charizard is a powerful fighter in battle. It can use its flame breath to scorch the ground beneath it, as well as spit fire that burns at temperatures high enough to melt boulders. It can teleport between trainers, and it can also change its appearance to make it harder for opponents to target it.
This mighty dragon is also a great partner for its Trainers. Its loyalty and bravery are often praised by its Trainers, who treat it like an equal in battle. Charizard’s confidence in its own strength is reflected in the way it sleeps: it lays flat on its back, indicating that it believes that it can easily outrun any foe.
In the anime, Kiawe owns a Charizard that he uses as his personal ride during his travels. It made its television debut in Alola to New Adventure!, where it helped him win a Battle Royal against Lance’s Gyarados. It has also appeared in several other episodes, including Beauty and the Breeder, where it was under the ownership of a Pokemon breeding center. In this episode, it hypnotized an attacking Fearow into seeing it as a Charizard and scaring it away.
The artwork on this card comes from GIDORA, who illustrated the Charmander card in the original Base Set and a Charizard Character Rare in Sword & Shield – Brilliant Stars. In addition, this is the first time that a 151-card set has featured the return of Kadabra since magician Uri Geller sued the Pokemon Company over its design.
Venusaur is a quadrupedal amphibian Pokemon with bumpy, blue-green skin. It has a short, blunt snout and three clawed toes on each foot. The flower on its back harnesses solar energy, and it can use that power to unleash a powerful attack. Female Venusaur have gynoeciums in the center of their flowers.
Venusaurs serve as peacekeepers in their native forests, stepping in to stop fights or defend their territory from danger. They also plant seeds from the flowers on their backs, which grow into new Venusaurs in time.
Its signature move is Frenzy Plant, which lets Venusaur deal heavy damage to opponents with a single blow. Venusaur can also rely on its natural bulk to avoid damage, giving it more longevity than other Grass picks like Victreebel and Sceptile. Venusaur can even take down the legendary dragon Giratina, although that requires a lot of investment in its Special Attack stat.
The best way to play Venusaur is a support Pokemon, using its innate recovery abilities to heal itself and its team. Its sandstorm ability makes it more durable against Water, Fire, and Ground moves, and its lightscreen can deflect some damage from Lightning. Venusaur can then whittle down opposing Pokémon with Sludge Bomb and wear them down with Leech Seed, while healing up with Synthesis.
It can also run a more damage-oriented build with sandstorm and Roar, dealing out massive bursts of damage. Its natural EV spread gives it enough HP to survive Skarmory, and it can run a Sludge Bomb/Earthquake/Sneeze/Hidden Power Ghost set. It can also take on the likes of Metagross and Tyranitar with Sludge Bomb, or switch into a Fire/Dragon Dance combo with Celebi.
A Venusaur that’s maxed out on Gigantamax can take on the likes of Salamence and Gyarados with its high damage output, but it’ll need a minimum of 270 Special Attack (136 EVs and a boosting nature) to guarantee an OHKO against a standard 4/0 Choice Band Salamence. It can also rely on Body Slam to KO the likes of Snorlax and Registeel.
Blastoise is a water-type Pokemon that features powerful cannons that shoot boneshaking blasts of water. Its design was influenced by turtles and tortoises, and it is heavily armored to resist attacks. It can also withdraw the cannons from its shell to move more quickly and attack more ferociously.
Blastoise has a strong burst damage potential with Hydro Cannon and Ice Beam. It can also be a great tank with its good defenses, especially when paired with Aqua Jet and Hydro Pump. It can also support teammates with its defensive moves, such as Water Spout and Rapid Spin.
Its only weakness is electric attacks, which can damage it and its teammates. Therefore, it is important to build a team around Blastoise that can protect it from these types of attacks.
Having a high HP pool will also help, as it can survive a long battle if it is able to soak up some damage and heal through Heavy Rain. It also recovers 6.25% HP at the end of each turn.
This makes Blastoise an excellent choice for a top lane in Hearthstone. Its ability to spam water-type attacks makes it a great lane bully, and its defensive moves can help it stay alive while dealing damage to enemies.
If you want to play a more supportive Blastoise, consider giving it HM 03 – Surf and TM 01 – Cursed Incense. This will allow it to get into enemy territory more easily and murder squishies. You can also consider giving it TM 04 – Energy Amp or TM 07 – Sp Atk Specs to increase its burst damage.
Its best fast move is Bite, which hits hard and early and pairs well with its defensive moves. It can also use Hydro Pump and Ice Beam for additional power and coverage. Flash Cannon is a poor 1-bar charge move, while Skull Bash and Return offer little utility. Its bulk lets it hold its own against Dragon-types and Grass-types, though, even without Ice Beam.
Mew is one of the most famous and iconic Pokemon in the franchise. The elusive creature has become a symbol of mystery and intrigue, mirroring the enigmatic nature of the original Pokemon games. It is believed to be the ancestor of all other Pokemon, and its DNA contains the genetic code for their evolution. It can also make itself invisible, allowing it to avoid notice even when it walks directly in front of people.
In the early days of the game, players were unable to capture Mew. The game’s creator, Satoshi Tajiri, intended it to be so rare that most people would never see it, and this helped to add to its mystical appeal. It has been featured on countless merchandise items, including a 1998 painting on the All Nippon Airways Boeing 747-400. It has also been used to promote the franchise, appearing in many commercials and as a main character in the TV show, Pokemon Adventures: Team Rocket.
A Psychic-type Mythical Pokémon, Mew has base 100 stats in all categories, and is extremely intelligent. It can use a variety of moves, including the ability to copy the effects of Burns, Paralysis, and Poison on its opponent. This makes it a very effective attacker, but its lack of defensive abilities leaves it vulnerable to attacks from bulkier Psychics like Cresselia and Slowbro, as well as stronger ones such as Mega Gardevoir and Mega Medicham.
Mew can learn all the Technical Machine, Hidden Machine, and Move Tutor moves that are available to any other Pokemon (except those exclusive to certain groups of Pokemon, such as Volt Tackle or Secret Sword). It is able to fly, but it does not have the ability to use any Poké Balls to catch other Pokemon. It can also use its powerful Psychic moves to copy the damage caused by any attack, as long as it is not a Physical or Steel type.
The coveted Full Art version of Mew is currently only available in Japanese booster packs, but the English-language Scarlet and Violet-151 set will feature a Gold Hyper Rare version that is much easier to acquire. The product will include a metal Mew ex, as well as a Special Illustration Rare and a Regular print of the card featuring artwork by aky CG Works and Natsumi Yoshida respectively.